Saving Energy with a Water Heater for Warm Showers
A water heater is an electronic device used to automatically heat water, either inside or outside the bathroom. Its usage involves converting electrical energy into heat energy, which then heats the water that passes through it or is stored in a provided tank. Similar to other electronic appliances at home such as rice cookers, microwaves, toasters, and others, a water heater requires electrical power to operate. However, due to its high power consumption, many people prefer to heat water using gas stoves. Yes, there are indeed other conventional ways to heat water, such as using a stove. Whether it's a wood-burning stove, charcoal stove, or gas stove, all of them can be used as conventional water heaters that have been known for a long time. Most people still rely on these traditional methods because they are considered more practical, faster, and, of course, cost-effective.
When it comes to the cost of heating water for bathing, is it true that a water heater is more expensive than using a gas stove? The daily and monthly costs need to be detailed. According to research, conventional water heating on a gas stove costs around Rp 3,839.00 per day and accumulates to around Rp 115,170.00 per month. However, if we heat water using a water heater, the budget needed is only Rp 2,559.00 per day or accumulates to Rp 76,776.00 per month! It turns out you can save almost half of the cost.
Indeed, a water heater is not something that is mandatory in a bathroom. However, in certain situations, a water heater plays a significant role. Let's consider the safety aspect. Here are some concerns when using a gas stove at home to heat water:
- Children who have started growing taller may be able to reach and tamper with the gas stove.
- There is a risk of spills when transferring hot water from a pot to the bathroom, which can potentially come into contact with the skin.
- The temperature of the water in the pot cannot be directly measured.
- Boiling water takes a longer time.
While not essential, having a water heater addresses these concerns and provides a safer option for heating water in the bathroom.
We don't need to worry about those points if we switch to using a water heater as a water heating solution at home. Not only is it cost-effective, but a water heater also offers features that are not present in a gas stove. For example, there are remote operation features like those found in Andris2 Top Wifi, extra safety features such as the 3D safety system that ensures the safety of your family, safer usage procedures, and time-saving benefits.
If you're still unsure about choosing the right water heater, you can try the water heaters from Ariston. Ariston offers a wide range of water heater products to cater to different needs. For example, if you're looking for a product that prioritizes the best features while being more energy-efficient by up to 14%, you can try the Ariston Andris2 Top Wifi. If you prefer a water heater with low power consumption, you can choose the Ariston Andris2 R or Andris2 B models.
By choosing the right water heater, you can enhance your quality of life, as the technology offered by Ariston Thermo provides benefits and comfort for your bathing experience.