What is a Smart Home System?

Gardewa Santana | modified: May 25, 2023

Smart home technology is considered as a technology that embraces a new era with various new advancements that were previously unheard of in the concept of homes.

Simply put, a smart home system can be defined as a building equipped with advanced technology, allowing all devices and systems to be interconnected. This means that as a homeowner, you can remotely control the devices and appliances in your home. Although smart home systems were introduced in the early 2000s, they have recently gained attention from the public in Indonesia.

A smart home system is an integrated home management system that utilizes high-level technology and home automation to enable you to control various aspects of your home through a device. The aspects that can be managed through smart home technology can vary, ranging from lighting control, healthcare facilities, bathroom settings, room temperature control, entertainment facilities, and other household appliances. It also includes managing security aspects, such as alarm systems.

Smart homes are the best choice for those with high mobility and busy schedules. Engaging in outdoor activities may keep you away from home, but thanks to smart home technology, you can now remotely control all devices in your home. For example, you can turn on the lights in every room at night and adjust the desired level of brightness. This helps you save on electricity bills as the use of lights becomes more effective and efficient.

Another example is when you want to enjoy high-quality hot water for a shower as soon as you arrive home. You can utilize the smart features integrated into the water heater device, such as the Ariston Andris2 Top Wifi series. Through the Aqua Ariston Net app, you can control your showering habits and adjust the hot water temperature to your liking. It's easy, right?

With this advanced technology, the security and comfort of your home become easily accessible through the device in your hands.