Why choose a high energy efficiency water heater?

ariston | modified: July 26, 2023

"When choosing a water heater, people often tend to underestimate the importance of energy efficiency and focus on things like price, for example, or dimensions and design. But energy efficiency is an aspect to consider very carefully, especially as a long term investment: let’s find out why…

It guarantees savings on bills

A high efficiency water heater consumes less energy than a traditional one and therefore makes it easy to recover any additional costs. Some models, like Ariston’s Nuos A+ 80-110 WH heat pump water heater, can offer energy savings of 70% or more compared to a standard electric water heater. All this thanks to the heat in the air, a natural and inexhaustible source of energy.

It entitles you to tax benefits

If we have to replace our old water heater, choosing a more efficient model will enable us to enjoy energy efficiency tax relief. To apply for a 50% tax allowance in Italy today, for example, there are no longer any special requisites, provided your replacement produces an energy saving with respect to your old water heater. These benefits may vary from country to country.

It’s environmentally friendly

A high efficiency water heater is the ideal solution for people keen to safeguard the environment (as well as their incomes) because it consumes less energy and emits smaller amounts of polluting gases into the atmosphere.

It lasts longer and requires little maintenance

A high energy efficiency water heater generally lasts longer than a traditional one (15 years, on average, for a class A water heater against 8 years for class B or C models). It’s also important to remember that this type of water heater requires less maintenance (robust manufacturing to guarantee maximum efficiency). All these factors make high efficiency water heaters the best solution for those who want to safeguard their investment as long as possible."