Heat Pumps Explained: A Comprehensive Overview

modified: July 26, 2023

Discover the benefits of heat pumps & learn how they work. Get the facts on this energy-efficient heating & cooling solution.


Heat Pumps Explained: what is it?


A heat pump is exactly what it sounds like: a pump that extracts heat from the outside environment. Differently from the gas boiler that works with gas combustion to create heat (which is what makes it so polluting), heat pumps are free from emitting carbon dioxide. 

Their principal function is extracting heat from the outside environment and converting it into heat for one’s home. Whether it’s from the ground, the air, or water, the heat pump’s capacity of absorbing heat from the elements means that it functions together with nature, instead of relying on the combustion of gasses.

What are the different kinds of heat pump models?


Luckily, we are already seeing different types of heat pumps presented on the market. Each one is great for different reasons and all present green advantages. 


Hybrid Heat Pumps

Extremely efficient, heat pumps are great also for homeowners or businesses that find themselves in harsh conditions during the winter. In this case, the best option would be to install a hybrid heating pump: one that works both with the pump and a traditional gas boiler.

The hybrid heating pump in fact is the solution that is most recommended for larger estates and homes seeing how a higher amount of heating could be necessary. Nevertheless, even with a hybrid heating pump system, this does not mean that the technology operates mostly with the gas boiler. On the contrary, it still opts for the heat pump and relies on the gas boiler only if extremely needed. 


Ground Source Heat Pumps

Another model that is pretty self-explanatory thanks to its clear name is the ground source heat pump. A technology that warms the structure it’s installed in by collecting heat from the ground, the GSHP’s main advantage is that of having the ground as its main resource. This too is a great solution if one is looking for a technology that can heat a larger plot of land. 


Air Source Heat Pumps

The most popular and the solution that is best fit for smaller size plots, the air source heat pump is a contraption that is installed outside the home and works by collecting heat from the outside air. 

Once the heat is collected from outside, the ASHP delivers it inside and/or uses it to warm water. 


What are the benefits of a heat pump?


Other than being one of the most eco-friendly solutions on the market today, heat pumps also reduce costs and increase efficiency. 

Silent and Efficient: Did you know that heat pumps are also silent? This benefit means that they can be installed in any part of the home and they won’t be a cause of the disturbance. In addition, their remarkable efficiency is also thanks to their being independent structures that function with the outside air temperature by extracting heat from the air, ground, or a hybrid of both.

Electric and Sustainable: Thanks to their being electric, the heat pumps’ emissions are basically zero in comparison to those of gas boilers and other technologies. Their electric structure means that they also do not necessitate gas or oil to run, and so they don’t rely on external fuel structures to keep them operating.

Maintenance and Service Life: Heat pumps also foresee low maintenance, in comparison to other kinds of technologies. Seeing how their structure is made up of a limited number of parts, consequently, if their maintenance is done once a year, they can last up to about 25 years. 


Heat Pumps: A Sustainable and Cost-Effective Solution for the Future


Overall, heat pumps are solutions that present the buyer with a valid solution if one wants to look towards the planet’s future and opt for sustainable technologies. Not to mention the lower energy consumption and cost-effectiveness that heat pumps deliver. 

A great way to save both the planet and on bills!