Net Zero emissions: how to achieve the goal

modified: July 26, 2023

Net Zero emissions are on everyone's sustainability agenda. Find out what it means to be net zero and how to achieve the goal.

Net Zero emissions: what does it mean?


A sentence that gets thrown around quite a bit when talking about the future and how to improve it, let’s break down the concept. 


“Net Zero” simply means the entire amount of greenhouse gases released into the air and, consequently, the ones removed from that same air. “Emissions” instead is the actual production of these GHGs. So practically, “Net Zero emissions” refers to the careful balancing during the production and removal of the greenhouse gases produced. 


In fact, it is exactly this production of GHGs that needs to be balanced and reduced by 2050.

Net Zero emissions: why is it important?


The importance of achieving net zero emissions lies in the fact that if we don’t, we run the risk of elevating the earth’s temperature over 1.5°C. To avoid this elevated temperature, it was agreed in 2015 at the Paris Agreement (that was signed by 196 countries) that by 2030 the net zero emissions need to be reduced by 45%, whereas by 2050, they need to total 0%.


This step is fundamental in guaranteeing life as we know it, otherwise, the repercussions could be permanently damaging to our ecosystem and environment and elevate the global temperatures to a point of no return. 


Net Zero emissions meets decarbonization and electrification


It’s all fun and games until you actually sit down and think about the ways to achieve net zero emissions! One important aspect to keep in mind is that we all play a part in achieving the net zero emissions goal. Whether we’re part of a company, independent business owners, homeowners, or just on this planet in general, our actions will change the outcome. No small deed is ever too small in this case! 


Here are two ways to improve your net zero emissions; regardless of who you are and what you do! 

• Net zero emissions and decarbonization: Perhaps the most intuitive solution to achieving net zero emissions is to choose technologies that support decarbonization. By decarbonization, one means solutions that promote the reduction and/or the complete absence of carbon emissions when used.

A basic example of a solution that opts for a decarbonization method would be choosing a bike over a car for one’s personal transportation. In choosing a bicycle, the person doesn’t emit carbon as they would with a car, hence the decarbonization and the subsequent net zero emissions produced. 

• Net zero emissions and electrification: Similarly to decarbonization, electrification is more specific to the products and solutions it presents. Like in the name, this option of choosing sustainable methods is dedicated to choosing electric products rather than carbon-emitting ones that can be harmful to the environment.

An example of an electric solution would be choosing solar panels as the main energy provider for a company for them to achieve net zero emissions. Opting for solar panels, and so effectively going down the electrification path, rather than gas-emitting solutions, can be a great starting point. 


A net zero emissions strategy

Of course, it is impossible to think the switch to net zero emissions can be immediate. A helpful and smart way to start is to lay out a strategy with different goals to reach and an appropriate timeline to help get you there smoothly. Some steps that can get you started are:

• Commit to renewable energy: Need to keep powering your company? Start looking into replacing your energy provider with a renewable one. By doing so, you will slash your emissions greatly.

• Recycle material:
Instead of looking for new materials, try and reduce your carbon footprint by recycling what you have already. In the long run, this will not only reduce the emissions but also the costs!

• Create incentives:
A smart way to get the company on board with these changes is by creating incentives. Reward the reduction of emissions with a prize and/or benefit that can allure a person to choose a sustainable method for their task. Slowly, the sustainable choices will add up and boost the reduction of net zero emissions!


In conclusion, as individuals we are all responsible for getting to net zero: we must make lifestyle changes that could shrink our carbon footprint. To live in a more sustainable way that does less harm to the planet. If you’re short on ideas on how to reduce your Carbon footprint, we’ve listed numerous ways to inspire you and facilitate your energy transition. Discover our guide to reducing your carbon footprint!