Water heaters: how to choose the right model?

ariston | modified: December 3, 2019
Water heaters: how to choose the right model? Are you moving to a new home or are replacing an old water heater that has suddenly broken down? Or is it just that your current model is obsolete and you'd like a more modern one, and maybe with a higher capacity too? Whatever your reasons are for buying a new water heater, we'd love to help with three factors to keep in mind when choosing the best model for us.
  • Research the various types available in the market: Gas, electric, renewable energy or even wood: there are various types of water heater available on the market nowadays. In general, if you’re replacing an electric or gas model, our tip is to opt for a solution that doesn’t mean renewing your whole system.
  • If it’s an electric water heater, look at its capacity: A key factor to consider when choosing an electric water heater is its capacity, which will depend above all on our daily hot water requirement. The needs of a one person living in a studio apartment with one bathroom are going to be very different from that of a family with two bathrooms. Generally speaking, we would say that a family of four needs a water heater for at least 100 litres, which would provide enough hot water for at least four showers a day. It’s also important not to underestimate the energy aspects. Given that electric water heaters consume a lot of energy, we recommend choosing a high efficiency model.
  • Important characteristics: When buying a new water heater, it’s important to consider the following characteristics:
    • warranty: most water heaters last around 8 years, so it’s best to opt for a warranty that covers the longest period possible and gives you peace of mind about any failures that might occur during the water heater’s life cycle;
    • memory function: the most up to date water heaters have special software for storing usage data. This is a highly useful optional that can automatically adjust temperature and power settings to avoid wasting energy;
    • trouble shooting function: essential for identifying problems and finding remedies without unnecessarily contacting technical assistance.
Did you know that Ariston has a practical tool enabling you to find the water heater best suited to your needs? Click here to discover the model that’s perfect for you!