Pilih Mana: Mandi Air Hangat dengan Shower atau Berendam di Bathtub?

Gardewa Santana | modified: 21 Mei 2023

Everyone has their own way of taking a warm shower. Some prefer soaking in a bathtub, while others choose to use a shower. Among these two options, which one is better?

Bathroom: An Essential Part of the House

The bathroom is an important part of your home. It is the space where you start and end your day. Furthermore, the bathroom is also a room where you can relax and unwind by taking a warm shower.

At that point, the bathroom becomes the most private area. With such status, it's no wonder that some people treat their bathrooms in a special way. Some choose to add a shower, while others opt to install a bathtub in their bathrooms.

Adding a bathtub to the bathroom provides more comfort, allowing you to shower while seated and then soak afterward. On the other hand, opting for a warm shower using a showerhead provides a more spacious bathing area. In this case, installing a shower makes more sense for owners of smaller bathrooms.

Choosing Between the Two Options

If you plan to build a new bathroom and install a new water heater, you can consider adding a bathtub or a shower. However, once again, you need to consider the size of the bathroom. Installing a shower is more ideal for smaller bathrooms.

On the contrary, if you are constructing a spacious bathroom, you can consider adding a bathtub. Generally, bathtubs tend to be more expensive compared to showers. Therefore, your choice should also take into account your budget for the purchase.

Quality Warm Baths with Ariston Water Heater

After determining the size of your bathroom and considering your budget, it's time to purchase the best quality water heater that can be installed with either a shower or a bathtub.

For tank water heaters, if you are using a shower, you can choose an instant water heater (tankless) starting from a capacity of 10 liters. If you are using a bathtub, it is recommended to use a water heater with a tank capacity starting from 50 liters. However, if your bathtub is relatively small, using an instant or tankless water heater is not a problem.