6 Inspirasi Desain Kamar Mandi Modern Minimalis

Gardewa Santana | modified: 23 Mei 2023

Building a modern minimalist bathroom certainly requires preparation, including providing a number of items that are suitable to be placed in your home bathroom.

In this article, we will assist you with ideas that can be implemented to build a minimalist bathroom.

1. Don't forget to install an instant water heater from Ariston


Among Ariston's water heater collection, there is an instant or tankless type, such as Aures Luxury, for example. This is a type of water heater with constant temperature technology where you can experience the pleasure of bathing in consistent and customized warm water.

This device has 3 temperature memory settings and looks elegant with its touch screen display. Most importantly, you don't need an additional tank to operate Aures Luxury.

2. Create a natural decoration.



Placing plants in the bathroom is one way to create a modern and minimalist bathroom ambiance.

You can place small plant pots on bathroom shelves, in a corner of the bathroom away from the bathtub, or on other surfaces in the bathroom area. Remember to choose plants that can thrive in a humid environment for an extended period.

3. Add soft towels



You can also place soft and smooth towels on the bathroom rack to create a luxurious bathroom atmosphere. Arrange the towels by rolling them up one by one, as you usually see in 5-star hotels.

If needed, you can purchase a towel warmer rack to create a more comfortable post-shower ambiance.

4. Install a new shower head


Replacing the old shower head with a new, more luxurious one is the easiest way to create an entirely new atmosphere in the bathroom.

Look for shower heads with overhead rain showers or handheld spray types. If the budget allows, consider replacing the toilet with the latest model that has special features like automatic cleaning.

5. Add some special furniture


In addition to dedicated cabinets and drawers for the bathroom, add a basket for storing dirty towels before washing, shelves, a small trash bin, or hooks for hanging clothes. This way, your bathroom will appear more organized compared to a regular bathroom.

6. Pay attention to the bathroom lighting


Display the bathroom with a bright and spacious aura. If your bathroom is spacious enough, add a large mirror, chrome-colored faucets, polished tiles or ceramics, and so on. All of these fixtures will create a bright and airy atmosphere in the bathroom.

Add additional lights if necessary. Choose brighter bulbs, and if needed, with higher wattage.


Choosing the Right Water Heater

These are 6 inspirations for modern minimalist bathroom designs that you can apply, especially if you want a comfortable and enjoyable bathroom ambiance. After coming home from work, you certainly need a home with a pleasant atmosphere, don't you?

Well, the presence of a minimalist bathroom equipped with the best water heater can help you relax while at home.

Now, when it comes to water heaters, you can choose Ariston products. We provide various variants of electric water heaters that are perfect for complementing your beautiful days.