Berolahraga & Mandi Air Hangat Berelaksasi di Masa Pandemi

Gardewa Santana | modified: 25 Mei 2023

During the Covid-19 pandemic, maintaining fitness has become even more important, especially since people tend to spend more time at home. Therefore, it's time to rise up and prioritize physical fitness.

Exercise is one of the solutions for relaxation and combating boredom while staying at home. It can be filled with outdoor activities, provided that health protocols are strictly followed.

In fact, apart from maintaining fitness, exercise has benefits in preserving cell aging and boosting immunity. It helps reduce stress hormone levels, increases the release of endorphins or "feel-good" hormones, and improves blood and lymphatic circulation throughout the body, including the heart, brain, kidneys, and more. This directly affects the body's metabolic functions, enhancing one's ability to perform daily activities to the fullest. With the benefits of exercise, our bodies are better protected against the threat of the Covid-19 virus.

After returning from exercising outdoors, it is advisable not to immediately sit down and gather with family at home. Take a shower with soap and shampoo instead. Place dirty clothes and used sports equipment in a designated area that is not easily accessible, or wash them immediately with disinfectant or soap. Enjoy a comfortable warm shower using the Ariston Andris2 Lux water heater, equipped with AG+ technology that can eliminate bacteria and fungi in the water by up to 80%. Bathing with comfort using Ariston helps calm both the body and mind, promoting relaxation.

Stay active, stay safe, and prioritize your health during these challenging times.