Gardewa Santana | modified: 23 Mei 2023

Bathing is an essential daily activity, especially for those who engage in outdoor activities regularly. It is recommended to take a shower twice a day to prevent various health issues, such as fungal infections on the skin.

After engaging in tiring activities and dealing with a lot of work, cleansing oneself with a warm shower is often practiced. For the health of your body, taking a warm shower has numerous benefits that can be felt immediately. One of the commonly experienced benefits of a warm shower is a soothing sensation for the body and mind.

However, in addition to experiencing a calming sensation, another important benefit of taking a warm shower is its ability to alleviate respiratory symptoms. A warm shower can be a good way to help clear a congested nose, as the steam produced by the hot water can help loosen mucus in the throat and nasal passages. By relieving congestion in your respiratory tract, your breathing can return to normal and the flow of air into your lungs can improve.

By taking a warm shower, the temperature of the warm water and the inhalation of warm steam can actually help relieve respiratory discomfort and increase oxygen intake to the lungs. The effects can be similar to those experienced in a sauna. According to various studies, the benefits of bathing with warm water include reducing the risk of heart attacks, improving blood sugar control, and lowering blood pressure.

Indeed, taking a warm shower has many other benefits, such as relieving muscle aches, headaches, releasing stress, and even for those suffering from insomnia, it is worth trying to take a warm shower before going to bed. This is because a warm shower can help relax the body, making you feel sleepy and promoting better sleep.

Experience the best sensation of taking a warm shower by using water heaters from Ariston, an Italian brand that has proven to provide the best quality water heaters for your family's needs.